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Photography scholarships GrisArt 2014


This scholarship has been extracted from the BEST GRANTS WEB: Grant 2015 - Find all the information about how to get a grant 2015 in this website. =)

GrisArt 2014 scholarships allow young photographers with talent from accessing the professional courses of studies professionals of GrisArt Plan. In this way, young people of all nationalities, whose age is between 20 and 35 years (inclusive) may be submitted. Participants must demonstrate their photographic skills and knowledge flowed from the Spanish language.

in the convocation of scholarships GrisArt 2014 are presented six modes of scholarship whose staffing courses is as follows:

scholarship-GrisArt advertising photography: equipped with lighting, advertising, portrait and fashion course, and a course of digital treatment of the image. Scholarship valued at 4.655 euros.
Scholarship photo-report GrisArt: equipped with the course of documentary photography and photo-report, and a course of digital treatment of the image. Scholarship valued at 3.935 euros.
Scholarship projects GrisArt: equipped with the course of creation of projects and a course of digital treatment of the image. Scholarship valued at 3.935 euros.
Scholarship C.G.I. GrisArt: equipped with the C.G.I. (Computer Generated Imagery) course and a course of digital treatment of the image. Scholarship valued at 3425 euros.
Scholarship Video GrisArt: equipped with Video course for photographers and a digital image treatment course. Scholarship valued at 3.020 euros.
Scholarship post-production GrisArt: equipped with the professional post production course and a course of C.G.I. Scholarship valued at 3,700 euros.

the applicant may only qualify for one of the six modes of scholarship. The beneficiary will be free of course offered by GrisArt during next academic year 2014-2015.

each participant must submit the following documentation:

: application form, duly completed, which is located in www.grisart.com/ s/becas.php

B: digital copy of ID card or passport.

C: complete Curriculum vitae (maximum 2,500 characters without spaces). Aside from the usual contents, curriculum should detail possessing concerning photographic training. In relation to the above:

– if photographic training academic CV will describe it accurately and must be accompanied by the supporting documents.

– Of being self taught, to write a paper (maximum 2,500 characters) that describe the photographic knowledge.

d: A selection of between 20 and 30 photographs representative of personal work, free theme and technique.

all photographs must meet the following requirements:

– size will be 1,600 pixels on its longest side.

– The file format is JPEG quality (10).

– In the event you opt to “Beca GrisArt de Fotografía Publicitaria”, at least 10 of the images must be portraits and still lifes made in study.

– In the event you opt to “Beca GrisArt of CGI. “, should be recorded image treatment applications are known and at what level. ”

– in the case that you choose to “Scholarship GrisArt of post-production”, at least 4 pictures (of the total of 20 to 30) should be handed to 2,500 pixels on its longest side, in format PSD layers and 8-bit.

all documentation will be sent through an only compressed file using the grisart.wetransfer.com web application.

this file should contain two folders:

– the folder “Formulario”, which will keep the documentation of paragraphs A, B and C.

– “Fotografias folder” which will keep all images.

this digital file should be compressed by a. zip. 
You can use one of these applications to compress your files:


WinRAR WinZip

to send correctly your files, you can follow these steps:

step 1: generate the compressed .zip file with the contents explained above and the following nomenclature: nombre_apellido.zip

step 2: Go to the GrisArt page within the web application wetransfer.com: grisart.wetransfer.com

step 3: Add the .zip file in the first field of the form.

step 4: Leaving intact the the email address of destination (beca@grisart.com) where it will be sent.

step 5: Insert the personal email address where the confirmation of delivery of the file will be received.

step 6: (Optional) comments can be left in the last field.

step 7: Click on the “Transferencia button” to start the submission process. ”

in the direction of e-mail indicated in step 5, the State of the file submission process will be notified.

any copies on paper, CD, DVD or other type of support will be accepted.

the deadline for the submission of applications for scholarships GrisArt 2014 ends Monday, April 28, 2014 at 24:00 (Barcelona UTC/GMT + 1 hour).

All the complete information in Photography scholarships GrisArt 2014 !

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